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The PoppyCon Diplomacy Tournament 2020 was held in Melbourne the 13 & 14 march 2020

Game 1#[]

Country Player nat. res. Sc PTS APL
Austria Jamal Blakkarly AUS ACT 7 10.33 12.66
England Ken Gordon AUS 8 12.33 15
France Geoff Kerr AUS 6 9 10.33
Germany Gavin Atkinson AUS 1


Italy Jarni Blakkarly AUS 4 7 7
Russia Robert Chatterton AUS VIC E03 0.5 0.6
Turkey Richard McAllister AUS 8 12.33 15

Game 2#[]

Country Player


res. Sc PTS APL
Austria Geoff Kerr 2 5 5
England Peter McNamara 15 21 30
France Jarni Blakkarly VIC E11 2.5 2.7
Germany Robert Chatterton E11


Italy Melissa Call NZL VIC 5 8 8
Russia Tim Jones 3 6 6
Turkey Gavin Atkinson 9 12 12

Game 3#[]

Country Player nat. res. Sc PTS APL
Austria Richard McAllister AUS E02 0.25 0.3
England Robert Chatterton AUS E04 0.75 0.9
France Melissa Call NZL VIC 11 14.67 17.42
Germany Geoff Kerr AUS 11 14.67 17.42
Italy Ken Gordon AUS E07 1.5 1.8
Russia Peter McNamara AUS 12 16.67 20.14
Turkey Jamal Blakkarly AUS ACT E07 1.5 1.8

Game 4#[]

Country Player nat. res. Sc PTS APL
Austria Jarni Blakkarly AUS VIC 11 15.83 20
England Melissa Call NZL VIC 9 12.33 14
France Jamal Blakkarly AUS ACT 10 13.83 17
Germany Peter McNamara AUS E04 0.75 0.9
Italy Richard McAllister AUS E06 1.25 1.5
Russia Gavin Atkinson AUS 3 6 6
Turkey Geoff Kerr AUS 1 4 4