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World Diplomacy Wiki

The Da Nang Diplomacy Club is the first Vietnamese Diplomacy Communauty

Da Nang Banner

Da Nang


Tony Tran , Lei Saarlainen & Quang Vu Le

Tony Tran, Lei Saarlainen, Quang Vu Le

The club was funded in october 2019 by Lei Saarlainen resident in Da Nang and Quang Vu Le owner of the Danang Board Game Centerin the perspective of the organisation of the first Vietnamese Diplomacy Championship in 2020 in Da Nang

Da Nang Diplomacy League 2019[]

Game #1 2 November 2019 Da Nang Boardgame Center[]

Hundred diplomacy map

the first game played at Da Nang Boardgame Center was a 3 player game

The Hundred Map was used

Country Player Sc Pts
France Anh Tuan Truong Hoang 7 129
Burgundy Lei Saarlainen 6 34
England Tony Tran 2 21

Game #2 9 November 2019 The Workshop[]

the second game was played at the workshop. It was a 4 player game

Punic war the workshop photo 2nd Danang diplomatic incident

The Punic War Map was used

Country Player Sc Pts
Roma Anh Tuan Truong Hoang 5 193
Cartago Thanh Binh Nguyen 4 27
Hellenes Lei Saarlainen 4 27
Etruscan Joao Mendes 2 14

Game #3 16 Novembre 2019 Da Nang Boardgame Center[]

DAN -3

Game #3 was the first seven player standard game registred in vietnam

Country Player Sc Pts
Austria Hoang Nguyen Nguyen Dang 2 29
England Anh Tu Nguyen Hien 3 43
France Nguyen Anh Hoang Ngoc 6 156
Germany Minh Nhat Pham 7 231
Italy Ngoc San Tran Mai 4 58
Russia Quoc Viet Nguyen 3 43
Turkey Lei Saarlainen 8 419

Game #4 23 Novembre 2019 Da Nang Boardgame Center[]

Game #3 was a five players game played on a standard map with political point for control france & england