Le C-Diplo Namur is a variant of the C-diplo Scoring System characterized by the using of the scale of namur for the center count
Establish a strict hierarchy of result
- a top is always better than a shared top
- a shared top is always better than a 2nd place
- a second is always better than a third
- a third is always better than a fourth
the scale of namur gives survival & expansion objective to player not concerned by the 3 best places
- top-boarder 38 pts
- second 14 points
- third 7 points
Power (Scale of Namur)[]
- 1 Sc = 5pts
- 2 Sc = 9pts
- 3 Sc = 12 pts
- 4 Sc = 14 pts
- 5 Sc = 16 pts
- 6 Sc = 18 pts
- +1pt by additional Sc
- 1 point of participation
Point in a solo[]
- 85 points