World Diplomacy Wiki
World Diplomacy Wiki

Bangkok 2022 is a scoring system for Diplomacy


  • 105 points for every supply center


  • 420 point shared between player topping board
  • 420 points shared by board top player and all players at less then 2 centers of the top
  • 420 points shared by board top player and all players at less then 3 centers of the top


  • 210 points for survival
  • 35 points by survival years capped to 210 (can be added with final survival)

Solo case[]

Solo award[]

  • 1680 for domination
  • 1890 for power (18sc)
  • 420 for be the only survival player

Soloized players[]

  • 0 points for power
  • 0 points for domination
  • 0 points for survival including no survival year points