In a draw[]
Center Bonus (CB)[]
Each player receives 1 point by supply center
Domination Bonus (DB)[]
12 points divided between dominating players according to the following rules:
- 3 shares to topping players
- 2 shares to players finishing at 1 center from the top
- 1 share to players finishing at 2 centers from the top
DB = 12 pts * (player's share(s)) / (sum of all shares)
Worked Examples of DB Calculation:
- 12, 6, 6, 5, 5, 0, 0
- 12 center player gets 12 *3 / (3) = 12 points DB
- 12, 11, 10, 1, 0, 0 ,0
- 12 center player gets 12 * 3 / (3+2+1) = 6
- 11 center player gets 12 * 2 / (3+2+1) = 4
- 10 center player gets 12 * 1 / (3+2+1) = 2
- 12, 12, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0
- 12 center powers each get 12 * 3 / (3+3+2) = 4.5
- 11 center power gets 12 * 2 / (3+3+2) = 3
Survival Bonus (SB)[]
3 points each to all players surviving at the endgame
0.3 to eliminated players for each year of survival
- Example: players eliminated in 1905 receive 5yrs x 0.3 pts/yrs = 1.5 pts)
In a Solo[]
Solo Bonus = 8 points
A solo winner always gets 41 points:
- 18 (CB) + 12 (DB) + 8 (Solo Bonus) +3 (SB)
Other surviving players get 0,5 points/centre no DB, no SB
- Thailand Championship 2020
- Asia Pacific Diplomacy League Championship 2020
- Carnage Pacific 2020